- High Fructose Corn Syrup is Bad For You
- Parody of "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay
- This song is also a public service announcement that I will give free license to health advocacy groups to use. All I ask is that I get credited for making this song.
- Music video ideas:
- Music video must show singers who are thin at first, then as they consume products containing HFCS, time passes and they grow wider. They must don different, progressively bigger fat-suits for progressing parts of the music video.
- When one of the singers gets wise about the ill effects of HFCS, he learns to check every ingredient label of every product he buys. When he spots "HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP" on a product's ingredient label, he gives a cross facial expression and throws it back onto the shelf.
- The text "HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP" must display prominently on the ingredient label.
- The products in the video containing HFCS must not show their labels, unless they are not sold in America (and/or whatever country the song is recorded in) because no manufacturer of products laced with HFCS would ever endorse being in a song that sings contrary to their business interests.
- Lyric ideas:
Original Title: "ENG's Ideas, Inventions, and Innovations Journal"
This blog, started 3-15-2005, contains journal entries and also ideas, innovations, and inventions that come to mind.
Note: All personal entries that aren't the 3 I's will be labeled "(Personal Entry)" on the titles' ends.
My blog is now "BIG YES BOMB" because I found Jason Carter on Facebook one night and asked, "Are you...
...Elder Carter from Nagasaki?" His answer is the title today!
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