- Your Financial Aid's Been Denied
- Parody of "Bonnie Blue Flag," a Civil War tune played and sung by the Confederate side
- BBF is over 150 years old, so the parody must be played with modern instrumentation.
- Instrumental version of "Bonnie Blue Flag"
- Music video ideas:
- A music video must show a student (or actor / actress / singer dressed as one) in the financial aid office of a college, while being confronted by a Financial Aid Director informing them that their financial aid has been denied.
- Relevantly appropriate body language and facial expressions must follow.
- Lyric ideas:
- LYRICS (Draft #.#):
- Group 1
- Just enrolled at the college, lookin' forward to the fall,
- Wanting to make lots o' friends, and in classes, to give my all;
- Then I was asked to visit, an office, with fear inside,
- "Denied, are all your grants and loans," in grief, I nearly cried.
- Denied, denied, financial aid's been denied
- "Denied, are all your grants and loans," in grief, I nearly cried.
- Group 2
- There went my hope of paying, my whole credit card,
- I was to use the refunds, but now from them I'm barred.
- While telling me I can't have them, she sounded slightly snide,
- 'Twas since I had too many hours, that they had been denied.
- Denied, denied, financial aid's been denied
- "Denied, are all your grants and loans," in grief, I nearly cried.
- Group 3
- I could only go to college, for one semester now,
- Unless I win an appeal, to make the aid allowed.
- By submitting essays, and proving there's more to do,
- So that I finish my degrees, I'd maybe see this through.
- Denied, denied, financial aid's been denied
- "Denied, are all your grants and loans," in grief, I nearly cried.
- Group 4
- In case the appeal won't work, here else is what I'll try,
- Visit the endowment office, so I won't just scrape by.
- They may have some scholarships, available to give out,
- But summer is now overwith, so that is what I doubt.
- Denied, denied, financial aid's been denied
- "Denied, are all your grants and loans," in grief, I nearly cried.
- Group 5
- I still have got bills to pay, like credit cards, phone, and rent,
- If I got financial aid refunds, to these they'd make a dent.
- If I won't get the aid soon, I'll have to find a job,
- Or else I'll get impoverished, which will cause a great sob.
- Denied, denied, financial aid's been denied
- "Denied, are all your grants and loans," in grief, I nearly cried.
- Group 6
- Parents won't help me either, so now I'm on my own,
- Will anybody else help me by throwing me a bone?
- I've got to find a solution soon; a way to end my plight,
- Now that I've got some people to help, things may turn out alright.
- Denied, denied, financial aid's been denied
- "Denied, are all your grants and loans," in grief, I nearly cried.
- Group 7
- The transcript from another college says studies are incomplete,
- So that new info might be enough to get back on my feet.
- Now the appeal has since been done, all finished by mid-Fall,
- I will end up getting the grants, to help me after all.
- Denied, denied, financial aid's been denied
- "Denied, are all your grants and loans," in grief, I nearly cried.
Original Title: "ENG's Ideas, Inventions, and Innovations Journal"
This blog, started 3-15-2005, contains journal entries and also ideas, innovations, and inventions that come to mind.
Note: All personal entries that aren't the 3 I's will be labeled "(Personal Entry)" on the titles' ends.
My blog is now "BIG YES BOMB" because I found Jason Carter on Facebook one night and asked, "Are you...
...Elder Carter from Nagasaki?" His answer is the title today!
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