So far, the leadership opportunities at this point of the semester are still gaining momentum, but they have been progressing.
- K-State Wesley
- My Donation Checklist that I plan to submit to Mike Toluba is still in-progress, and will altogether take over 2 hours to finish.
- In our Thursday Night Men's Groups, we rotate our leading roles. I led in February, and didn't get any negative feedback. What I gave to the group was nothing like what was already given in our previous meetings.
- Every now and then, K-State Wesley does indeed staff tables at the Union, and I staffed on Monday. I was able to give out ~10 brochures, cards and applications during the time I was there. Some showed interest in getting friends to room in our dorms.
- I have been an impromptu "Environmental and Conservation Advisor" by keeping a lookout for utilitarian inefficiencies (non-aerated faucets, etc.) in order to help minimize Wesley's carbon footprint and utility bills.
- Powercat Toastmasters
- I am a Treasurer, so I hope to keep all the finances in check somehow.
- Dues are due March 31st, and a 990N tax form is to be emailed by that day.
- As everyone else in the club though, we critique each others' speeches, and critiques are a part of leading.
- Every now and then, we may have officers' conferences in Topeka on weekends, so that is where we can further polish our leading capabilities.
- I went to one of them, and it helped me get polished and updated to how we keep up with the times.
- I hope to keep posting ads on Craigslist and other free venues so that we can bring more potential members to our meetings. At this point in the history of our chapter, we will accept ANYBODY from within a reasonable radius of Manhattan, student or not.
- One of our co-officers started "events" on Facebook and invited friends. I consider this a great idea to borrow.
- Every time we are critiqued and compare one another, we polish our public speaking skills just a little more each time.
- Poverty experience at an Indian reservation in South Dakota
- Only 4 of the minimum of 6 signees signed up for the Louisville Poverty Simulation, so my plans had to change to the trip to South Dakota after the semester finishes.
- During this alternative summer trip, we may give up some of what we take for granted, like Wi-Fi signals.
- We will team up into several teams and brainstorm ways to make the best out of a poor situation.
- We may also renovate poor families' homes around the vicinity, and construct new facilities.
- In providing ways to make the best of a poor situation, if I do so innovatively and effectively enough, then I will exercise useful leadership.
- Study Abroad Advocates/Mentors
- Meetings are every Tuesday at 5:00.
- We get to advise prospective study abroad students on what to do once at a given destination, how to best live while there, and other tidbits of advice.
- We recommend places that fit their needs and desires.
- We staff Union tables and organize fundraisers and events.\
- I suggested ways to fundraise and spread awareness.
- One suggestion was to create purple sombreros with a Powercat logo. Others agreed that buyers would find them hilarious to wear.
- Another suggestion was to sell meals of other countries in any venue with the lowest overhead.
- Outside the Union is lower overhead; no catering fees, et al.
One of the suggestions from Chapter 5 was to start pilot projects. We have not yet sold meals or other humorous kitsch in the short history of the Study Abroad Mentors organization, and neither have the Wesley pitched the support of our Ugandan boy from the Union tables. These would accelerate our causes, and I have high hopes that it'll procure the results we look for.
I hope for the short-termable goals and activities up above to all be done in 90 days. Also in 90 days, I can envision myself being more mature as a leader after going through all those experiences, and more mature overall. The 90-day plan is as follows:
90-day Plan
- Toastmasters
- Collect all dues and send in tax forms by March 31st.
- Dues are $33/person
- Get at least a total of 10 people to sign up for our listservs by May and join us by Fall.
- Institute a 1-10 rating of our speeches and etc before the end of spring.
- Ecumenical Campus Ministry
- Go on the trip to the Indian Reservation in South Dakota the week after the semester concludes
- Total cost: $150-200, depending on how we fundraise
- $100 already deposited
- Brainstorm creative ideas to raise more funds
- Sell Native American meals
- Set-up cost uncertain; must discuss with David
- Sell Native American clothes and other kitsch
- Wholesale costs uncertain; must discuss with David
- We can find free secondhand clothing & kitsch from donation centers if they appear Native American-made
- Staff table in Union and sell from there
- K-State Wesley
- Find more CFL light bulbs as needed.
- Cost is $2/bulb at Wal-Mart or Aldi's. (Generic Brand.)
- Pays for itself in savings after a few months.
- Evaluate how much their furnaces cost to operate
- Research more efficient furnaces at Best Buy or online
- Suggest replacement and sale of old furnaces, and possibly fundraising to purchase more efficient furnace.
- Estimated cost of new furnace: $500-$2000.
- Procure more support for the Ugandan boy we sponsor through WorldVision
- Put his donation box on the table at the Student Union and pitch to passersby why it's a good idea to donate even small, loose change to the cause as that would go a longer way where the boy lives.
- Sponsoring is, by default, $35/month. More is always accepted, and will construct our boy a better life.
- Bring more prospective tenants to consider living at our dorms
- Suggest to Mike putting a housing ad in the Collegian about the fact that we have 39 more spaces for any student to live in.
- Students canvass the housing ads a lot, so will be seen by many.
- Cost to put ad in Collegian: Approximately $10-$50/week. (Billed to the Wesley, however.)
- Cost to live at the Wesley: $1845/semester.
- Find more original, interesting and engaging topics for my next turn to lead Men's Group.
- Study Abroad Mentors
- Ensure that hilarious foreign-looking kitsch is made so we can have brisk sales wherever we sell.
- One example was a Powercat Sombrero.
- Wholesale costs currently uncertain, but find the lowest cost-per-bulk-amount that any wholesaler is willing to charge.
- allows us to design anything onto any clothes and kitsch; let our imaginations run wild. However, we must research their costs and compare with other similar services.
- Arrange somehow the low-cost/free venues to sell our foreign meals from.
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